• Data reveals return to work not affected by $600 unemployment boost 

    July 31, 2023 by James Myall

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    Forecasted 3-year, $1.4 billion revenue shortfall reinforces need federal, state action to protect critical jobs and services

    July 29, 2023 by Sarah Austin

    New revenue projections released by state officials on Wednesday reiterate that Maine faces jaw-dropping revenue shortfalls that demand a strong federal response and a willingness by state policymakers to raise the revenue needed to protect Mainers during a time of crisis.

    The revised revenue forecast anticipates a $552.8 million revenue shortfall in the current two-year budget cycle, which ends just under a year from now, on June 30, 2021. Their … 免费翻国外墙的app

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    July 17, 2023 by Jody Harris

    Last week, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) released new regulations on payday lenders. Instead of reigning in the notoriously greedy industry, the Bureau eliminated common sense requirements that would protect consumers.

    In doing so, the Bureau has turned its back on the very consumers it is meant to protect, leaving Maine families exposed to financial predators at the height of a global pandemic and economic crisis. State and … Read the rest

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    July 16, 2023 by James Myall

    出国必备软件,聊聊我在澳洲最常用的手机APP~ - 小雪人WHV:2021-9-2 · 快帆加速器:哈哈哈伍前我伊都是用各种翻墙软件翻墙出去,现在需要翻墙回国才能看爱奇艺、听虾米和qq音乐了。苍天绕过谁。我不仅下载了快帆的手机版,也下载了电脑版。之前都是靠着快帆和国内好友的爱奇艺会员追《延禧攻略》的。

    As a result, even today, almost four months after the first detected case of COVID-19 in Maine, just under 86,000 Mainers are relying … Read the rest

    Black Mainers are 8 times more likely than white Mainers to be hospitalized for COVID-19

    June 30, 2023 by James Myall

    New 快喵VPN(免费版)-VPN翻墙神器,网络直通车的vpn大师 ...:2021-4-29 · App :快喵VPN(免费版)-VPN翻墙神器,网络直通车的vpn大师,openVPN中的superVPN 版本 :3.2.2 系统 :4.0.3 及更高版本 提供者 :VPN 翻墙 开发者 :kuaimiaoVPN_X@gmail.com Google Play 下载 快喵VPN(免费版) shows that Black Mainers are more than eight times as likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 as white Mainers.[i]

    The CDC’s tracking of COVID-19 tests has long shown staggering disparities between the share of Black and white Mainers who have tested positive for the disease, owing to health and economic systems that put Black families at greater risk.

    As of

    … Read the rest

    While signs of improvement appear, Maine unemployment remains at unprecedented levels

    June 12, 2023 by James Myall

    While the latest data on Maine unemployment claims show some reason for hope, Maine’s unemployment levels remain at unprecedented levels three months after the coronavirus pandemic sent Maine’s economy into a tailspin. Additional policy action will be necessary to straighten the wheel and get the economy back on track.

    In the week ending June 6, roughly 78,000 Mainers received state unemployment benefits, according to the latest data release form the … Read the rest


    June 5, 2023 by James Myall

    Black and African American Mainers are now roughly 20 times more likely than whites to have contracted COVID-19, according to data released by the Maine CDC.

    One measure of the virus’s spread is the rate of positive tests per 1,000 residents. This measure indicates how deep the disease has penetrated within the community. As the disease continues to spread, the rate has increased throughout the state.

    The risk to Black … Read the rest

    Job losses bring additional crisis for laid-off workers: loss of health care coverage

    May 29, 2023 by James Myall

    Between 72,000 and 131,000 Mainers could lose their employer-sponsored health insurance as a result of widespread layoffs spurred by the coronavirus pandemic, with as many as 31,000 unable to obtain any other form of insurance after their layoff.

    That’s according to new analysis by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Urban Institute, with the range of outcomes dependent on the severity of the unemployment crisis.

    Because the American … Read the rest

    Pandemic has erased one in six Maine jobs since February

    May 22, 2023 by James Myall

    Maine lost nearly 106,000 jobs1 in the two months leading up to April 12 as Maine businesses laid off workers across the state because of the ongoing public health crisis, according to new data released Friday by the Maine Department of Labor and US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

    Since mid-February, Maine has shed roughly one out of every six jobs. Over that period, which corresponds with the arrival … Read the rest

    Maine can’t afford for Congress to miss the mark on COVID-19 emergency funding

    May 22, 2023 by 免费翻国外墙的app

    A bipartisan consensus is building for Congress to pass additional emergency funds for states to help fight the pandemic, maintain health care for low-income families and seniors, and protect public-sector jobs like teachers and firefighters.

    As the House, Senate, and president continue to negotiate the specifics of the next coronavirus relief package, it is critical that emergency funding is adequate to address the current crisis. If Congress does too little, … Read the rest

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